
The Stewardship Committee assists the pastor in developing Stewardship as a way of life in the parish, an attitude of the mind and heart that is expressed in action; emphasizing that all people, things, and experiences are gifts from God.  An active parish Stewardship Committee is an important and necessary element in designing, implementing, and maintaining the parish Stewardship process. This committee is instrumental in assisting the pastor in the areas of education and formation, facilitation, communication, implementation, follow-up, and evaluation of the parish Stewardship process.

The Stewardship Committee's responsibilities include the following:

  • Assist the pastor and parish leadership in the overall design, implementation, and evaluation of the parish Stewardship process.
  • Develop a comprehensive timetable and related procedures to facilitate the annual renewal process.
  • Pursue available forms of communication to build awareness of Stewardship and parish activities, such as bulletins, parish website, newsletters, witnesses, ministry fairs, town hall meetings, homilies, etc.
  • Coordinate Stewardship efforts with the parish welcoming program.
  • Maintain a catalog of parish ministries and organizations.
  • Review and revise, if necessary, the parish time, talent, and treasure commitment forms to be sure they appropriately represent the mission, ministries, activities, and structure of the parish.
  • Host periodic Stewardship presentations to parish leadership explaining Stewardship in general, the parish renewal process, and the importance of Stewardship in the parish community.